Thursday, April 02, 2009

Things I love about NZ #14 - Feijoa Season

Also known as the 'pineapple guava', feijoas come in season for about a month- 6 weeks here and when it's feijoa season we drown in them, which is a good thing.  Everyone has a feijoa tree or two which tend to get loaded with fruit.  The fruit drops all at once and then it very quickly goes bad.  So all your co-workers bring in bags of feijoas to give away as soon as their tree drops.  We got our second lot from the secretary at work, Carol (first lot from Mirko and Krystal).  They're absolutely delicious and easy to eat - no meticulous peeling or cleaning required.  Feijoas were introduced to NZ from S. America.  Some friends of ours took a feijoa tree with them when they moved back to Switzerland.  Switzerland apparently doesn't have very strict import restrictions.  What's special to me about feijoa season is the way everyone shares.  Something about it reminds me of how God fed the Israelites in the desert with manna.  You get this overflow that you can't store up so you start giving it away.  Then you start again the next day... DSC_1823

And here are two of the sweetest sisters you've ever seen having morning tea together.  It's tea-time tradition to eat yogurt with your hand here.  Spoons are for decoration.


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