Friday, October 05, 2007

in my humble opinion...

...president bush is a wicked, evil man. In 7 years, president bush has used his veto power very sparingly (only 4 times). What types of legislation would result in this highly unusual response from him? To me, it looks like he vetoes legislation that siphons money away from himself or his friends. For instance, if you were to try and limit the amount of money given by the us gov. to rich friends of bush, i.e. defense contractors, tobacco (or any big business), Haliburton, etc. = veto. Or, say you were going to use u.s. taxes towards health care for children of poor AND moderately poor families..?..= veto. It is beyond ironic, it is sick that bush vetoes this legislation because he thinks it encourages dependence on the gov. Who is more dependent on u.s. tax money than bush and his buddies? What proportion of the wealth of the wealthy is federal dollars? Check this out, did you know that 45 million people in the u.s. don't have health insurance? People in the richest country in the world with an annual 'defense' budget of 439.3 billion dollars (not including and additional 120billion in '07 for emergency killing of brown people and oil collection) die from lack of access to health care. These things should not be so. I'm not just going to be upset about this I'm going to change it. I'm going to pray.