Thursday, December 21, 2006

Daddy's Favorite Outfit

Mike just loves Chloe in her little pajamas. She's such a little snugbug! As she is approaching 3 months old and 14 lbs, we think this may have been her last time to wear it! It is interesting how you have to briefly mourn one stage, but have the excitement of the present stage to delight in, not to mention the ones to look forward to! Thought I would note some of the landmarks she's reaching...pretty much all on or ahead of schedule. Easy to see that her weight is up in the 75th percentile. She is now able to roll from her tummy to her back some of the time (that's probably her coolest trick). She smiles a lot, laughs, and coos. Chloe will squeel in delight, like when we sing Winnie the Pooh and substitute her name: Chloe the Pooh or give her a little tickle and baby talk with her. She has had a few goodnight's sleep here lately....making it from 10:30pm to 2 or 3am and then going until 9am one morning, but more likely to 6am, then 9am. Its been nice. She does have some time in the evening when she's fussy (or grizzly as the kiwi's say) from about 7pm until 10pm. Pretty much she just doesn't want to go to bed until we go to bed....hmmm, doesn't want to miss out on anything. We're just lovin' her to pieces! She's such a gift! Posted by Picasa

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