Saturday, June 27, 2009

Trip to 90-mile beach and the end of the world - Part I

We loaded up the car with the bare necessities (yes, that's a tiny potty) and hit the road to the Winterless North.
It was ~6hr drive up to Ahipara, which is the jumping-off point to the southern tip of 90-mile beach.  The girls were perfect the whole drive.  Oh, there were some incidents - but they were not the babies fault.  We overfed Claire ~ 1 gallon of milk which she regurgitated (completely regurgitated) for us.  That required a pit stop.  We got a great deal on a huge beach house with a beautiful veiw.  Here's a shot of sunrise.  It turns out that we were about 1km from a world-famous surf break, Shipwreck Bay!  It's a loooong left which my mate Jimmy Kooksley would love.  Si o no, Jimmy?
There were some fun walks along the beach...
and digging in the sand...
and sweet family time...


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    How cute is that! One more baby on the way or no more?

  2. Looks like a really WONDERFUL time away! Your girls are so beautiful!

  3. Beautiful family Mike! Enjoy every moment - they grow oh, so fast! ~Kendra


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