Thursday, September 04, 2008

what is it?

ok, don't look too far down and try to guess what this is...

hmmmm...could be...

And, here is the object performing its duty. This is a hot water bottle. You pour hot water in it and then put it under your covers to heat up the bed. Isn't that crazy? It's wacko because it assumes that your bedroom must be frickin freezing. The craziest part is that your bedroom and entire house is frickin freezing. It's winter in NZ, of course your house is freezing.


  1. wow you are so random mr. g

  2. ooo, I have fond memories of hot water bottles :-)

    - Michelle (Jensen) Doeden

  3. I'm glad it brought back warm memories. Growing up in Texas I had never seen a hot water bottle before moving to NZ.


go on, say something.