Friday, October 06, 2006

Chloe Elise Grammer

We're just barely weighing in here, but after 2 days of labor, Chloe Elise Grammer did finally weigh into the world at 6lbs/1oz, 50cm long at 12:31pm on October 4th. It was a Wednesday here in New Zealand. She has a full head of dark hair and long fingers. She is already the most precious thing we've ever laid eyes on and has made us more grateful to Jesus than we ever could have imagined. I will describe the events in more detail soon. For now, I will sleep, eat, and feed this baby, thanking God every moment for her arrival.  Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. she's here! i'm so thrilled for you (and us). we prayed that baby here and still pray for you as you all adjust and get to know each other more. chloe is so blessed to have you two as parents. i love ya and can't wait to see little chloe elise!


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